
PhotoHere Planner | Weekly Photography Challenges & Tips

Created by Anthony Allen

Daily, Weekly & Monthly Planner | Weekly Photo Challenges & Tips | CheatSheets & More | Designed To Motivate Inspire You All Year Long

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Freight Shipping Update, Planner ETA December
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 08:20:52 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Printing Of All Planners Is Complete, Workshops & Tours Are Starting, Currently NO Global Supply Chain Disruptions.
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 02, 2021 at 05:21:25 PM

Printing of planners has finished.  Tomorrow, elastic straps & back pockets are being added to the planners.

Workshops & Tours are starting. If you selected a Private Night Photography Workshop or Walkling Phototour add-on, please check your KS inbox or your email this Friday for instructions on how to pick a date and complete your booking.

Collecting Your Information. I'll send out a BackerKit survey to collect this information two weeks before the planners are scheduled to reach the fulfillment center.

Global supply chain disruptions. You might have noticed the big banner at the top of Kickstarter about campaign delays.  When the campaign started, these issues were already known. A buffer was built into the estimated delivery date, + I vetted & chose three factories that could produce the same quality product; the first one couldn't deliver on time, so I moved on to the next. Regarding freight, the company I'm working with says they can get the planners loaded & on the water a week to two after pick up. If they can't deliver on promise, I have a list of other freight forwarders I've already vetted. Historically the East Coast ports have always been less busy than the West Coast, so that is where the boat will go & where the fulfillment center is located. This was all super backend stuff, but the powers that be at KS said to over communicate, so there you have it :-)

Overall, everything is still on schedule, & I still can't wait to get the PhotoHere Photography Weekly Challenge Planner in your hands or on your screen.

Until the next update -

Peace, Love & Photography

Production Started On Planners, Finished Testing Reward Shipping Mailers
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 11:38:09 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Digital Proofs approved, preorders still available.
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 09:03:24 PM

Hello Backers ,

Have some quick updates and requests for ya.

Approved files for print. I approved the digital proofs from the factory the last week and everything is good to go for print.

Freight Company Confirmed.  I've selected a reputable freight company to work with on getting the PhotoHere weekly Challenge Planners to the fulfillment center.

Pre-Order Page is up. Did you miss the campagin ? Or maybe you'd like have an accountabilty buddy in 2022.  Planners are still available for pre-order on Indiegogo .

Local Camera Store & Camera Clubs.  Small businesses have struggled this past year and they are always looking for ways to stay a float & cool new items help :-) If you have a favorite local camera store please leave the name and location in the comments and I'll reach out to them about the PhotoHere Photography Weekly Challenge Planner or next time your there have them email me at [email protected] . I've been getting messages from Camera clubs about 'club discounts' The answer is yes and please contact me.

Overall everything is still on schedule and I still can't wait to get the PhotoHere Photography Weekly Challenge Planner in your hands or on your screen.

Thanks so much!


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Thank you + Next Steps
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 03:22:52 PM

Hello Backers,

We're 100% funded. Crazy to think it was only 30 days ago I was nervously wondering what would happen after I hit the 'Launch Button'. Thank you sooo much for making this project a reality, I appreciate you. A few things need to happen before we can kick off production and fulfillment.

Here's a quick rundown:

Planner Production & Shipping. I have a manufacturer standing by and as soon as I get the Kickstarter funds (this can take up to two weeks) I'll place the order. No delays, You're still scheduled to receive your planner around December.

Collecting Your Information. I need to confirm your pledge rewards and add ons + I need to know where to ship everything.  I’ll send out a BackerKit survey to collect this information. The current plan is to send this out in 4-6 weeks. I’ll give you a heads-up before we send the survey so that you can watch for it. 

Upgrades & Changes.  Also in the BackerKit Survey there will be a link to a preorder store , this is where you can add additional rewards or make changes to your existing rewards.

Your Suggestions. Thanks for the input, on community, planner content & complimentary products. 

Communication.  I will keep you updated on all relevant developments here on KS.

Well that's it for now. Again, thanks for all your support. I can’t wait to send you your planner.
